Daily News

These are sample stories on Asia which we track on a daily basis. The sources and links to the stories, which are available online, are acknowledged and listed. Where any of these stories require paid subscription to access, we've listed only the portion which the site allows.

Thailand: Majority upset by govt formation delay: Suan Dusit poll


According to the Suan Dusit poll, 67.5% of respondents believed the government formation has been delayed because the key parties have been unable to reach a settlement over cabinet seats; 28.3% thought internal rifts and

Thailand: Path open for PPRP coalition


A Democrat source said on 29 May 19 that the PPRP has agreed to let the Democrat Party take the three ministerial positions it demands, clearing the way for a coalition government to be formed

Malaysia: New provision in MACC Act allows graft busters to go after companies


The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will enforce and use a new provision in the MACC Act 2009, effective Jun 20, to allow commercial organisations involved in corruption to be prosecuted. MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations)

India: FDI policy review begins as inflows drop despite auto route


The government is examining India’s foreign direct investment policy to look for new areas that can be opened to overseas investors and sectors that face hurdles despite being on the automatic route. The exercise comes

Thailand: Junta bloc takes big step


THE Democrat and Bhumjaithai parties were formally approached by PPRP on 27 May 19 to form a coalition government after Parliament opened on the weekend and elected the house speakers. The Democrat Party remained non-committal,