Daily News

These are sample stories on Asia which we track on a daily basis. The sources and links to the stories, which are available online, are acknowledged and listed. Where any of these stories require paid subscription to access, we've listed only the portion which the site allows.

Thailand: No post-election obstacles seen for EEC


On the junta’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) development scheme, experts said on 20 Mar 19 that most infrastructure projects will continue regardless of which political parties form the post-election government as they are all

Malaysia: ECRL deal before belt and road forum? Depends on China, Mahathir says


Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on 20 Mar 19 said the future of the China-backed East Coast Rail Link project, in limbo for months, was unlikely to be resolved before he visits Beijing in Apr

Indonesia: Prabowo narrows electoral gap ahead of voting day: Kompas survey


In the survey conducted by Kompas, Indonesia’s largest newspaper, the electability of Mr Joko and his vice-presidential candidate, Dr Ma’ruf Amin, dropped to 49.2%, from 52.6% six months ago. In contrast, support for presidential hopeful

India: NITI Aayog suggests raising monthly training stipend to INR5,000


NITI Aayog has suggested more than threefold increase in the cap on reimbursement of the cost of training candidates under a revamped version of the government’s National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS), a measure which will

Thailand: Parties want to bypass Senate to pick PM but no consensus made


On 18 Mar 19, three major parties – the Democrats, Pheu Thai and Future Forward (FFP) had agreed at a forum that the House of Representatives should have the first say in voting for a