Daily News

These are sample stories on Asia which we track on a daily basis. The sources and links to the stories, which are available online, are acknowledged and listed. Where any of these stories require paid subscription to access, we've listed only the portion which the site allows.

Global: Trump Hints at U.S. Ending Iran Deal After Netanyahu Speech


President Donald Trump hinted he plans to withdraw from the Iran nuclear accord, but that he may be willing to negotiate a new agreement with the Islamic Republic. “I’m not telling you what I’m doing

Singapore: Productivity push seeing results but gains are uneven


Singapore’s push to improve productivity has borne fruit, but the gains remain uneven and are not pervasive enough as some sectors of the economy continue to be disrupted, incoming Manpower Minister Josephine Teo said on

India: Karnataka: Fuel prices kept unchanged for six days


State oil companies have not revised prices of petrol and diesel for almost a week in an apparent suspension of their freedom to alter prices daily in line with fluctuations in international fuel and exchange

South Korea cautiously braces for inter-Korean economic cooperation


Though the Panmunjeom Declaration signed between the two Koreas on 27 Apr 18 minimized economic cooperation, it still left ample room for the possibility of future cooperation between the two nations in resource development, infrastructure

China anti-corruption drive stretches to Hong Kong


A corruption crackdown at a powerful Chinese state-owned enterprise has spilled over into Hong Kong, where employee passports were seized in the latest sign of the extraterritorial reach of China’s Communist party. Staff at several