Daily News

These are sample stories on Asia which we track on a daily basis. The sources and links to the stories, which are available online, are acknowledged and listed. Where any of these stories require paid subscription to access, we've listed only the portion which the site allows.

India: BJP jolted, 2019 wide open


It took Rahul Gandhi and the Congress more than five years and seven Assembly elections to finally defeat the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in a direct contest. The victory on 11 Dec 18 was even

India: Urjit Patel quits RBI, citing personal reasons


Urjit Patel unexpectedly resigned as Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor on 10 Dec 18, citing personal reasons, following months of bickering between the regulator and the government over autonomy and the central bank’s hard

Malaysia: Dr Mahathir sets 2020 target for B20 biodiesel


MALAYSIA must compete more aggressively in the biodiesel sector or be left behind by fellow palm oil producers Indonesia, who have already declared the mandatory use of a 20% biodiesel blend (B20) in Sep 18,

Malaysia: Tabung Haji cooks up higher profits from two deals to pay dividends


Lembaga Tabung Haji did two suspicious transactions that helped cook up its 2017 profits to enable it to pay dividends that it would otherwise not be allowed to do. Because the profits were not real,

Indonesia plans to make 30% biodiesel blend mandatory, studies B100


While the government expanded the mandatory use of a 20% biodiesel blend (B20) in September, it plans to further boost domestic biodiesel consumption to absorb more crude palm oil (CPO) amid fluctuation in the global