Daily News

These are sample stories on Asia which we track on a daily basis. The sources and links to the stories, which are available online, are acknowledged and listed. Where any of these stories require paid subscription to access, we've listed only the portion which the site allows.

Indonesia: Jokowi pledges central bank to remain independent


Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo pledged on Tuesday that the country’s central bank would remain independent, a day after a panel of experts advising parliament recommended that government ministers be given voting rights at policy

The Philippines: Reforms pushed to attract more FDI


THE Trade department is making a renewed push for the passage of bills that would further open up the economy to foreign direct investments (FDI), after Philippine rules on such were again deemed among the

Thailand: Bank of Thailand warns of tourism meltdown


Thailand’s tourism industry will face greater risks next year if the government continues to restrict foreign travellers from entering the country, says the Bank of Thailand. Foreign arrivals could be downgraded from a projection of

CMIE: Indian economy in reverse gear


India’s real GDP declined y/y by 23.9% in 2Q20, reversing the economy back to its 2014 quarterly level of less than INR27tr. Investment demand took the biggest beating from Covid-19 and the nation-wide lockdown announced

India: Aug 20 likely to be wettest since 1901


The monsoon has roared back in Aug 20 with excess rain of 26%, and is likely to be among the wettest since 1901, when the weather office started recording official data. Rainfall is already at